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Fort Worth Car Accident Statistics (2023)

Fort Worth Car Accident Statistics: What You Need to Know

As a resident of Fort Worth, you may have noticed the increasing number of car accidents on our roads. It’s crucial to be informed about current Fort Worth car accident statistics to understand the risks and take necessary precautions.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident in North Texas, contact the personal injury attorneys at Varghese Summersett as soon as possible.

This article will discuss recent trends, common causes, and how these statistics compare to other major cities in Texas.

Car Accident Rates in Fort Worth

Fort Worth has seen a significant increase in car accidents over the past few years. According to the City of Fort Worth crash data, there were 12,097 reported crashes in Fort Worth in 2020. This number has been steadily rising, with a 5.5% increase from 2019 to 2020.

Traffic Fatalities in Fort Worth

Unfortunately, along with the rise in car accidents, there has been an increase in traffic fatalities. In 2020, 92 people died in Fort Worth in car accidents, marking a 15.9% increase from the previous year. The primary causes of these fatal accidents include speeding, alcohol impairment, and failure to use seat belts.

Most Congested Roadways in North Texas

According to data compiled by Texas A&M Traffic Institute 37 of the 100 most congested roadways were right here in north Texas.

most congested roadways

County Rank In Texas From Road Name To
Dallas 2 US 75 Woodall Rodgers Fwy / SS 366 N Beckley Ave
Tarrant 6 SH 183 North Fwy / IH 35W / US 287 IH 30
Dallas 7 US 75 IH 345 / US 75 / IH 45 S. M. Wright Fwy / US 175
Dallas 9 Lyndon B. Johnson Fwy / IH 635 US 75 Woodall Rodgers Fwy / SS 366
Dallas 11 Jefferson Viaduct E R. L. Thornton Fwy / IH 30 / US 67 Buckner Blvd / SL 12 E
Dallas 12 John W. Carpenter / SH 183 Stemmons Fwy / IH 35E / US 77 Tom Landry Fwy / IH 30
Tarrant 14 US 81 / US 287 North Fwy / IH 35W / US 287 28th St / SH 183
Dallas 17 Stemmons Fwy / IH 35E / US 77 Lyndon B. Johnson Fwy / IH 635 US 75
Dallas 18 US 75 Lyndon B. Johnson Fwy / IH 635 Garland Ave / SH 78
Dallas 20 Garland Ave / SH 78 Lyndon B. Johnson Fwy / IH 635 US 80
Tarrant 23 North Fwy / IH 35W NE Loop 820 / IH 820 Baker Blvd / SH 183
Tarrant 30 North Fwy / IH 35W N Loop 820 / Jim Wright Fwy / IH 820 Jacksboro Hwy / SH 199
Tarrant 32 Alliance Gateway / SH 170 IH 35W US 81 / US 287
Denton 36 BS 121H IH 35E / US 77 Lyndon B. Johnson Fwy / IH 635
Dallas 38 SH 360 IH 20 Marvin D. Love Fwy / US 67
Dallas 41 President George Bush Turnpike Toll Rd / SH 190 US 75 Lyndon B. Johnson Fwy / IH 635
Dallas 48 Lyndon B. Johnson Fwy / IH 635 Stemmons Fwy / IH 35E / US 77 W Northwest Hwy / SL 12 N
Dallas 52 S Walton Walker Blvd / SL 12 W Tom Landry Fwy / IH 30 Jefferson Viaduct
Tarrant 54 E Loop 820 / IH 820 Tom Landry Fwy / IH 30 SH 360
Tarrant 55 Baker Blvd / SH 183 E Loop 820 / IH 820 Tom Landry Fwy / IH 30
Tarrant 56 Airport Fwy / SH 183 SH 360 Tom Landry Fwy / IH 30
Tarrant 57 SH 26 Airport Fwy / SH 121 NE Loop 820 / IH 820
Ellis 59 US 67 US 287 IH 35E
Dallas 63 Buckner Blvd / SL 12 E IH 30 / US 67 President George Bush Hwy
Collin 64 N Custer Rd / FM 2478 University Dr / US 380 N McDonald St / SH 5
Denton 66 E University Dr / US 380 SL 288 IH 35E / US 77 (Lillian Miller Pkwy)
Denton 73 IH 35W SH 114 Precinct Line Rd / FM 1938
Dallas 74 Marvin D. Love Fwy / US 67 IH 20 S Central Expy / SH 310
Dallas 76 IH 35E Walton Walker Blvd / SL 12 W IH 30
Tarrant 77 IH 30 IH 35W IH 20
Tarrant 79 US 287 IH 20 SH 360
Dallas 86 John W. Carpenter Fwy / SH 183 Mockingbird Ln SH 75
Dallas 88 Dallas North Tollway Northwest Hwy / SL 12 N N Buckner Blvd / SL 12 E
Denton 89 US 377 University Dr / US 380 Dallas North Tollway
Dallas 91 SH 360 Airport Fwy / SH 183 SH 161
Dallas 93 W Northwest Hwy / SL 12 N Stemmons Fwy / IH 35E / US 77 John W. Carpenter / SH 183
Dallas 100 E R. L. Thornton Fwy / IH 30 / US 67 S Buckner Blvd / SL 12 E C. F. Hawn Fwy / US 175

Most Common Types of Car Accidents in Fort Worth

As a bustling city in Texas, Fort Worth experiences a variety of car accidents on its roads. Understanding the most common types of car accidents can help you stay alert and take necessary precautions to minimize the risk of being involved in one. Here are the most common types of car accidents in Fort Worth and provide some safety tips to help you avoid them.

Rear-End Collisions

Fort Worth car accident statistics show that rear-end collisions are one of the area’s most common types of wrecks. These accidents occur when one vehicle crashes into the back of another, often due to following too closely, distracted driving, or sudden braking. To avoid rear-end collisions, stay focused on the road, and maintain a safe following distance.

T-Bone or Side-Impact Collisions

T-bone, or side-impact, collisions occur when the front of one vehicle strikes the side of another, often at intersections. These accidents can be particularly dangerous, as the sides of vehicles offer less protection than the front and rear. To minimize the risk of side-impact collisions, always be cautious at intersections and obey traffic signals.

Head-On Collisions

Head-on collisions happen when two vehicles traveling in opposite directions crash into each other. These accidents are often severe and can result in serious injuries or fatalities. Factors contributing to head-on collisions include driving under the influence, drowsy driving, or driving on the wrong side of the road. To avoid head-on collisions, always stay alert, drive sober, and adhere to traffic laws.

Multi-Vehicle Accidents

-vehicle accidents, also known as chain-reaction or pile-up accidents, involve three or more vehicles. These accidents often occur on highways and can be caused by poor weather conditions, speeding, or sudden braking. To reduce the risk of being involved in a multi-vehicle accident, maintain a safe following distance, slow down in adverse weather conditions, and stay focused on the road.

Rollover Accidents

Rollover accidents occur when a vehicle flips onto its side or roof. While less common than other types of accidents, rollovers can be extremely dangerous and often result in severe injuries or fatalities. Factors that contribute to rollover accidents include high speeds, sharp turns, and vehicle design. To minimize the risk of a rollover, drive at safe speeds, be cautious on curves, and properly maintain your vehicle.

Hit-and-Run Accidents

Hit-and-run accidents happen when a driver leaves the scene of an accident without providing contact information or offering assistance to the other parties involved. These accidents can be especially frustrating and challenging for victims. To protect yourself from hit-and-run accidents, always drive defensively and be vigilant of your surroundings.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents

Accidents involving pedestrians and bicyclists are unfortunately common in Fort Worth. These accidents can result in serious injuries or fatalities due to the vulnerability of pedestrians and cyclists. To avoid pedestrian and bicycle accidents, always be cautious in areas with high pedestrian traffic, obey traffic signals, and yield to pedestrians and bicyclists when required.

Safety Tips to Prevent Car Accidents in Fort Worth

To minimize your chances of being involved in a car accident, consider the following safety tips:

  • Stay focused and avoid distractions while driving
  • Obey traffic laws, signals, and speed limits
  • Never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Maintain a safe following distance between vehicles
  • Be cautious at intersections and yield to pedestrians and bicyclists
  • Regularly maintain your vehicle and ensure it’s in good working condition

By following these safety tips, you can help reduce the risk of being involved in a car accident and contribute to safer roads in Fort Worth.

Additional Safety Measures

In addition to the safety tips mentioned above, consider implementing these additional measures to further protect yourself and others on the road:

  • Use your turn signals to indicate your intentions to other drivers
  • Be extra cautious in adverse weather conditions, such as rain, fog, or snow
  • Be aware of your blind spots and check them regularly while driving
  • Avoid aggressive driving behaviors, such as tailgating or cutting off other drivers
  • Use your headlights and taillights appropriately to ensure visibility

Importance of Car Accident Awareness in Fort Worth

Being aware of the most common types of car accidents in Fort Worth and following safety tips can help you stay safe on the road. However, even the most cautious drivers can be involved in an accident due to the negligence or recklessness of others. If you find yourself in a car accident, it’s crucial to know your rights and the legal steps you can take to protect yourself.

A knowledgeable car accident lawyer, like the ones at Varghese Summersett, can help you navigate the legal process, negotiate with insurance companies, and represent you in court if necessary. By seeking legal assistance, you can ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident in Fort Worth, don’t hesitate to reach out to Varghese Summersett to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

Most Common Injuries Associated with Fort Worth Car Accidents

Car accidents in Fort Worth can lead to various types of injuries, ranging from minor bruises to life-threatening conditions. The severity of injuries often depends on factors such as the speed of the vehicles involved, the type of collision, and the use of safety equipment. Here are some of the most common injuries associated with car accidents in Fort Worth and provide some insight into their potential long-term effects.


Whiplash is a common injury that occurs when the neck and head are suddenly and forcefully jerked back and forth due to the impact of a collision. This movement can cause damage to the soft tissues, muscles, and ligaments in the neck, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. Symptoms of whiplash may appear immediately after the accident or develop gradually over a few days.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) occur when a sudden impact or jolt to the head causes damage to the brain. TBIs can range from mild concussions to severe brain damage, and their symptoms can vary widely, including headache, confusion, memory loss, and behavioral changes. In severe cases, TBIs can lead to permanent cognitive impairment or even death.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are among the most severe consequences of car accidents. They occur when the spinal cord is damaged or severed, leading to loss of motor function, sensation, or control in the affected areas. Depending on the location and extent of the injury, spinal cord injuries can result in partial or complete paralysis, requiring long-term medical care and rehabilitation.


Fractures, or broken bones, are a common result of car accidents. The force of the impact can cause bones to break or shatter, particularly in the limbs, ribs, and pelvis. Fractures can be painful and may require surgery, casts, or other treatments to heal properly. In some cases, fractures can lead to long-term complications, such as chronic pain or limited mobility.

Internal Injuries

Car accidents can cause internal injuries to organs, blood vessels, and other structures within the body. These injuries can be life-threatening if not diagnosed and treated promptly, as they may lead to internal bleeding, organ damage, or organ failure. Common internal injuries include lung, liver, kidney, and spleen damage.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries involve damage to muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These injuries can result from direct impact, overstretching, or sudden movements in a car accident. Common soft tissue injuries include strains, sprains, and contusions (bruises). While some soft tissue injuries may heal on their own with rest and care, others may require medical intervention, such as physical therapy or surgery.

Lacerations and Abrasions

Lacerations (deep cuts) and abrasions (scrapes) are common in car accidents due to shattered glass, metal debris, or contact with hard surfaces. While minor cuts and scrapes can be treated with basic first aid, deeper lacerations may require stitches or other medical treatment to prevent infection and promote proper healing.

Emotional and Psychological Injuries

Car accidents can also significantly impact a person’s emotional and psychological well-being. Survivors may experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues as a result of the accident. These emotional injuries can be just as debilitating as physical injuries and may require therapy or counseling to address.

If you or a loved one h
as been involved in a car accident in Fort Worth and sustained any of these injuries, seeking immediate medical attention is essential. Prompt diagnosis and treatment can help prevent complications and promote a faster recovery.

fort worth car accident statistics

In addition to medical care, you may also be entitled to compensation for your injuries, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages resulting from the accident. A skilled car accident lawyer, like the ones at Varghese Summersett, can help you understand your rights, gather evidence, and negotiate with insurance companies to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Navigating the legal process after a car accident can be challenging, especially when dealing with your injuries’ physical and emotional aftermath. By working with an experienced attorney, you can focus on your recovery while they handle the legal aspects of your case.

Our dedicated team of attorneys is committed to providing compassionate and aggressive representation to help you get the compensation you need to recover and move forward with your life.

Tips to Avoid Car Accidents in Fort Worth

To minimize your chances of being part of the Fort Worth car accident statistics, consider the following safe driving practices:

  • Avoid distractions while driving, such as using your phone or eating
  • Always obey speed limits and traffic signals
  • Don’t drink and drive
  • Allow sufficient following distance between vehicles
  • Be vigilant for pedestrians and cyclists

What Are the Most Dangerous Roads in Tarrant County?

Tarrant County has a number of high-traffic roads, streets, and highways where accidents are more likely to occur. These areas are often characterized by heavy traffic, high-speed limits, and complex intersections, which can contribute to a higher risk of car accidents. Here is a list of some of the most dangerous roads, streets, and highways in Tarrant County:

  1. Interstate 35W (I-35W): This major highway runs through Fort Worth and Tarrant County and is notorious for its traffic congestion, particularly during rush hours. The high volume of traffic and frequent construction projects can lead to increased risks of accidents, including rear-end collisions and multi-vehicle pileups.
  2. Interstate 20 (I-20): This east-west interstate highway crosses Tarrant County and connects Fort Worth with Dallas and Arlington. The high speeds and frequent merging of traffic from multiple lanes contribute to the risk of accidents on this busy highway.
  3. Interstate 30 (I-30): Another significant east-west route in Tarrant County, I-30, passes through Fort Worth, Arlington, and Grand Prairie. Heavy traffic, construction zones, and high-speed limits make this highway a hotspot for accidents.
  4. Texas State Highway 360 (TX-360): This state highway runs from Fort Worth to Arlington and serves as a major connector between I-20 and I-30. The high volume of traffic and frequent merging can make TX-360 a dangerous road for drivers.
  5. Loop 820: Also known as the North Loop or Jim Wright Freeway, Loop 820 encircles Fort Worth and connects with other major highways in the area. The combination of high speeds and complex interchanges can contribute to a higher risk of collisions on this busy roadway.
  6. US Highway 287 (US-287): This highway runs through Tarrant County and connects Fort Worth with cities to the north and southeast. US-287 can be particularly dangerous due to its high-speed limits, heavy truck traffic, and areas of road construction.
  7. Hulen Street: This major thoroughfare in Fort Worth is known for its heavy traffic, particularly near the Hulen Mall and other commercial areas. The high volume of vehicles and frequent intersections can increase the risk of accidents on Hulen Street.
  8. East Lancaster Avenue: This busy street in Fort Worth has a high number of accidents, particularly at intersections with stoplights. Congestion, pedestrians, and inadequate road infrastructure can contribute to the danger on East Lancaster Avenue.

While these roads and highways are known for their higher risk of accidents, it’s essential for drivers to exercise caution and practice safe driving habits on all roads in Tarrant County. By staying alert, following traffic laws, and being aware of road conditions, you can help reduce your risk of being involved in an accident.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident on any of these dangerous roads in Tarrant County, consider reaching out to the experienced attorneys at Varghese Summersett. Our team can help you navigate the legal process, negotiate with insurance companies, and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

What Are My Legal Rights After a Fort Worth Car Accident?

If you have been involved in a car accident in Fort Worth, knowing your legal rights is essential. You may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage. It’s crucial to contact an experienced Fort Worth car accident lawyer to discuss your options and ensure your rights are protected.

Role of a Car Accident Lawyer in Fort Worth

A car accident lawyer can help you navigate the complex legal process, negotiate with insurance companies, and represent you in court if necessary. They will work tirelessly to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses.

Fort Worth Car Accident Statistics Compared to Other Major Cities in Texas

When comparing Fort Worth car accident statistics to other major cities in Texas, such as Dallas, Houston, and Austin, Fort Worth has a relatively lower rate of car accidents and fatalities. However, with the increasing population and traffic congestion, it’s essential to remain vigilant and prioritize safety on the roads.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, call Varghese Summersett today at 817-207-4878 or contact us online to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

FAQ: The Latest Fort Worth Car Accident Statistics

What is the primary cause of fatal car accidents in Fort Worth?

The primary causes of fatal car accidents in Fort Worth include speeding, alcohol impairment, and failure to use seat belts.

What are some common causes of car accidents in Fort Worth?

Common causes of car accidents in Fort Worth include distracted driving, speeding, driving under the influence, aggressive driving, failure to yield right of way, and running red lights and stop signs.

What are some typical injuries sustained in car accidents in Fort Worth?

Common injuries from car accidents include whiplash, broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, internal organ damage, and lacerations and bruises.

How can I minimize my chances of being involved in a car accident in Fort Worth?

Practice safe driving by avoiding distractions, obeying speed limits and traffic signals, not drinking and driving, maintaining sufficient following distance, and being vigilant for pedestrians and cyclists.

What compensation might I be entitled to after a car accident in Fort Worth?

You may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage.

How can a car accident lawyer in Fort Worth help me?

A car accident lawyer can help you navigate the legal process, negotiate with insurance companies, and represent you in court if necessary to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

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